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ropper Display information about executables and search for gadgets
roundup Issue tracking system with command-line, web and email clients
rox-lib Shared code for ROX applications
rpc2 CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package
rscode Reed Solomon error correction code library
rsltc RAISE Specification Language Type Checker
rt-mysql Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt-pgsql Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt4 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt5 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rthread (V) Distributed computing with remote threads in Python
rttr C++ Reflection Library
ruby-abstract Abstract methods for Ruby
ruby-actionmailbox61 (V) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 6.1)
ruby-actionmailbox70 (V) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 7.0)
ruby-actionmailbox71 (V) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 7.1)
ruby-actionmailbox72 (V) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 7.2)
ruby-actionmailbox80 (V) Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 8.0)
ruby-actionmailer61 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 6.1)
ruby-actionmailer70 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.0)
ruby-actionmailer71 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.1)
ruby-actionmailer72 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.2)
ruby-actionmailer80 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 8.0)
ruby-actiontext61 (V) Rich text framework (for Rails 6.1)
ruby-actiontext70 (V) Rich text framework (for Rails 7.0)
ruby-actiontext71 (V) Rich text framework (for Rails 7.1)
ruby-actiontext72 (V) Rich text framework (for Rails 7.2)
ruby-actiontext80 (V) Rich text framework (for Rails 8.0)
ruby-activejob61 Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby-activejob70 Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby-activejob71 Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby-activejob72 Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby-activejob80 Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby-activemodel61 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby-activemodel70 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby-activemodel71 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby-activemodel72 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby-activemodel80 Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 8.0)
ruby-activestorage61 Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby-activestorage70 Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby-activestorage71 Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby-activestorage72 Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby-activestorage80 Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 8.0)
ruby-activesupport61 Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby-activesupport70 Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby-activesupport71 Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby-activesupport72 Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby-activesupport80 Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 8.0)
ruby-algorithms Useful algorithms and data structures for Ruby
ruby-amstd Collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
ruby-approvaltests Assertion/verification library to aid testing
ruby-assistance Lightweight replacement for ActiveSupport
ruby-async Concurrency framework for Ruby
ruby-atk Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
ruby-backports Backports of Ruby features for older ruby
ruby-bindata Declarative way to read and write structured binary data
ruby-bit-struct Library for packed binary data stored in ruby Strings
ruby-blankslate Provides Blank Slate base class
ruby-blockenspiel (V) Library to create DSL blocks
ruby-bond Improve autocompletion in Ruby
ruby-bsearch Binary search library for Ruby
ruby-byaccr Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc/Yacc for Java'
ruby-byebug Ruby 2.0 fast debugger - base + CLI
ruby-c21e CrossPlatformExecutable library for Ruby
ruby-cabin (V) Experiment to try and make logging more flexible and more consumable
ruby-capybara (V) Integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby-celluloid Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
ruby-celluloid-essentials Superstructural dependencies of Celluloid
ruby-celluloid-extras Celluloid expansion, testing, and example classes
ruby-celluloid-fsm Celluloid Finite State Machines
ruby-celluloid-pool Implementation of an actor pool based on the Celluloid framework
ruby-celluloid-supervision Celluloid Supervision
ruby-classy_hash Classy Hash: Keep your Hashes classy; a Hash schema validator
ruby-cmd Library for building line-oriented command interpreters
ruby-concurrent-ruby Modern concurrency tools for Ruby
ruby-concurrent-ruby11 Modern concurrency tools for Ruby
ruby-console Beautiful logging for Ruby
ruby-contracts Contracts for Ruby
ruby-corefoundation Ruby wrapper for macOS Core Foundation framework
ruby-csv (V) CSV Reading and Writing
ruby-cucumber-core Core library for the Cucumber BDD app
ruby-cucumber-expressions Cucumber Expressions for Ruby
ruby-cucumber-messages Cucumber Messages for Ruby (Protocol Buffers)
ruby-cucumber-tag-expressions Cucumber Tag Expressions for Ruby
ruby-cucumber-wire Wire protocol for Cucumber
ruby-curses Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses
ruby-daemon_controller Library for robust daemon management
ruby-deep_merge Merge Deeply Nested Hashes
ruby-delayer Ruby module to delay the processing
ruby-delayer-deferred Deferred for Delayer
ruby-delegate_it (V) ActiveSupport like delegate method for non Rails projects
ruby-deprecated Aid developers working with deprecated code
ruby-dhaka Lexer and LALR(1) parser generators for context-free grammars
ruby-ditz (V) Simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker
ruby-div (V) Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
ruby-diva Implementation of expression for handling things
ruby-docile Keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved
ruby-dotenv Loads environment variables from .env
ruby-eet Ruby module to read and write EET files
ruby-equatable Extends equality comparison and inspection methods